Friday, July 8, 2011

Academy Awards 2011 Winners

83rd Academy Awards Winners List

2011 Oscar Winners (Academy Awards 2011 Results)

Best Supporting Actor : Christian Bale for The Fighter

Best Supporting Actress : Melissa Leo for The Fighter

Best Animated Feature : Toy Story 3

Best Original Screenplay : The King's Speech

Best Adapted Screenplay : The Social Network

Best Foreign Language Film : In A Better World, Denmark

Art Direction : Alice in Wonderland

Cinematography : Inception

Costume Design : Alice in Wonderland

Documentary Feature : Inside Job

Film Editing : The Social Network

Makeup : The Wolfman

Original Score : The Social Network

Animated Short : The Lost Thing

Live Action Short : God of Love

Sound Editing : Inception

Sound Mixing : Inception

Visual Effects : Inception

Short Documentary : Strangers No More

