Things you should know about SpiceJet, Complaint
SpiceJet Airlines
Does SpiceJet provide any food or drinks onboard?
SpiceJet sells snacks/refreshments and juices on selected flights. Water is provided free of cost on all flights of SpiceJet.
Does SpiceJet offer connections to other airlines?
No, SpiceJet does not offer connections to other airlines and takes no responsibility for missed connections. However, on certain sectors, SpiceJet offers connectivity between two SpiceJet flights (Connected sectors). Booking made for connected sectors will be confirmed under a single reservation number, fees & surcharges will be applicable only with respect to one segment.
Does SpiceJet offer a frequent flyer program?
No, SpiceJet do not offer a frequent flyer program.
Am I allowed to bring food on board to eat?
SpiceJet does allow some food items on board. Those include: fast food (McDonalds, Subway), sandwiches, cold snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, cookies, and biscuits. Some items not allowed on-board due to hygiene issues are: samosas, pakoras, gravies or pickles.
Can I bring my pets on board with me?
Yes. SpiceJet permits the carriage of pets on its flights but booked through cargo services only. Guide dogs for blind Customers are exempt from this rule, but any Customer traveling with a guide dog should make his/her reservation via the SpiceJet Call Centre and provide us notice that a guide dog will be traveling. Note that guide dogs for the blind may not occupy any seat. The Customer is required to bring a moisture absorbent mat, and to place it under the guide dog. Further, the guide dog should be properly trained, restrained and muzzled.
Can I bring my Sports Equipment?
Yes, guest may carry their sports equipment along. SpiceJet does not charge a separate fee for carriage of sports equipment. It would be treated as regular check-in baggage and excess baggage rules shall apply for any additional weight.
Can I make a group booking on SpiceJet?
More than 10 guests may be booked as a group, for the same kindly contact the Group desk at
Can I change my reservation (name, date and time changes)?
If you wish to change any of the details of your booking e.g. date and time, you must inform SpiceJet of your changes at least two hours prior to scheduled departure of your flight. Changes to your booking will attract a flight change fee of Rs. 750 per guest per sector and the applicable fare difference, and this can be done at SpiceJet's Guest Sales & Reservation Center or at any of SpiceJet's Airport Sales Centers. Changes to travel dates and times can also be made online through the SpiceJet internet site. SpiceJet's fees are subject to change without notice. Changes / Cancellation within 2 hours of departure or failure to check-in for a SpiceJet flight at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time will result in the fare being forfeited.
What documentation can I use for my expense claims/reports?
You can use your itinerary provided by SpiceJet. It contains a breakdown of the amounts paid for your travel which you can submit to your company for reimbursement.
SpiceJet welcome your suggestions, complaints, compliments and feedback on services, flights and performance. Help SpiceJet serve you better. Complaints/Suggestions Form
For any SpiceJet Complaint call 1800 180 3333 or 0987 180 3333
E-mail: Customer relations:
For more information visit
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