Thursday, July 21, 2011

Personal Pronouns - English Grammar

Personal Pronouns are so called because they stand for persons, viz

The first Person which denotes the person or persons speaking : I, my, we, our, etc

The Second Person which denotes the person or persons spoken to : you, thou, your, etc.

The Third Person which denotes the person or persons spoken of : he, she, it, they, their, etc.

Note: Strictly speaking, he, she and it are Demonstrative Pronouns, because they have a distintion of gender, which the Personal Pronouns have not. But this distiction is ignored by modern grammarians, who put them under Personal Pronouns as they often relate to the third person, as distinct from the first and second persons.

Personal Pronouns I, we, she, he, they are all used as subjects in the Nominative:

He knows.
We shall go.
I know the boy.
They were present there.

